Understanding Multiscale Bone Adaptation and Healing of Murine Bone

Enlarged view: Figure 1: Trabecular component of the murine vertebra with osteoclasts (purple) and osteoblasts (orange).
Figure 1: Trabecular component of the murine vertebra with osteoclasts (purple) and osteoblasts (orange).

In our work, we combine image analysis techniques and computational modelling to extract relevant information from in vivo data and develop realistic in silico models of bone adaptation and healing that mimic the changes observed in vivo.

The models available in the group differ in complexity and in the range of applications, modelling biological processes from the cellular to the tissue level.

In particular, we are interested in exploring the effects of ageing, degenerative conditions such as osteoporosis on the bone structure as well as how different mechanical loading regimes influence bone adaptation.

With this work we expect to achieve realistic simulations of in vivo data that can be used in large scale to predict structural bone adaptation and healing in mice.


We gratefully acknowledge funding from the EU (ERC Advanced MechAGE ERC-2016-ADG-741883).  

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